Monday 30 January 2012

The Impact Of ICT In A Workplace

ICT has changed the way we work in many different ways such as instant transfer of information and making organisations more efficient by cutting down the time it takes to transfer information. ICT has changed the employment structure and working practices. This is by having more storage space because everything saved is stored  onto computers and hard drives. Computers are able to process information for you without you manually needing to calculate things such as wages. Some people decide to work from home and they’re work can be saves on USB sticks so files can be moves from computer to computer. This also means that you can work from wherever there is a computer available. Also companies are better as they have the resources to create advertisements and flyers so there workplace is known better

Thursday 26 January 2012

Potential threats

Cyber Bullying
Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. By definition, it occurs among young people. When an adult is involved, it may meet the definition of cyber-harassment or cyber-stalking, a crime that can have legal consequences and involve jail time.
Sometimes cyberbullying can be easy to spot — for example, if your child shows you a text message, tweet, or response to a status update on Facebook that is harsh, mean, or cruel. Other acts are less obvious, like impersonating a victim online or posting personal information, photos, or videos designed to hurt or embarrass another person. Some kids report that a fake account, web page, or online persona has been created with the sole intention to harass and bully.
Cyberbullying also can happen accidentally. The impersonal nature of text messages, IMs, and emails make it very hard to detect the sender's tone — one person's joke could be another's hurtful insult. Nevertheless, a repeated pattern of emails, text messages, and online posts is rarely accidental.
Spam is flooding the Internet with many copies of the same message, in an attempt to force the message on people who would not otherwise choose to receive it. Most spam is commercial advertising, often for dubious products, get-rich-quick schemes, or quasi-legal services. Spam costs the sender very little to send -- most of the costs are paid for by the recipient or the carriers rather than by the sender.
There are two main types of spam, and they have different effects on Internet users. Cancellable Usenet spam is a single message sent to 20 or more Usenet newsgroups. (Through long experience, Usenet users have found that any message posted to so many newsgroups is often not relevant to most or all of them.) Usenet spam is aimed at "lurkers", people who read newsgroups but rarely or never post and give their address away. Usenet spam robs users of the utility of the newsgroups by overwhelming them with a barrage of advertising or other irrelevant posts. Furthermore, Usenet spam subverts the ability of system administrators and owners to manage the topics they accept on their systems.
Phishing is an e-mail fraud method in which the perpetrator sends out legitimate-looking email in an attempt to gather personal and financial information from recipients. Typically, the messages appear to come from well known and trustworthy Web sites. Web sites that are frequently spoofed by phishers include PayPal, eBay, MSN, Yahoo, BestBuy, and America Online. A phishing expedition, like the fishing expedition it's named for, is a speculative venture: the phisher puts the lure hoping to fool at least a few of the prey that encounter the bait.
Denial of service attacts(DOS attacks)
A denial of service (DoS) attack is an incident in which a user or organization is deprived of the services of a resource they would normally expect to have. In a distributed denial-of-service, large numbers of compromised systems attack a single target.
Although a DoS attack does not usually result in the theft of information or other security loss, it can cost the target person or company a great deal of time and money. Typically, the loss of service is the inability of a particular network service, such as e-mail, to be available or the temporary loss of all network connectivity and services. A denial of service attack can also destroy programming and files in affected computer systems. In some cases, DoS attacks have forced Web sites accessed by millions of people to temporarily cease operation.

The Law of ICT

ICT has made is easier for people to steal others work and
call it their own e.g.: video clips and music of the internet
because of the site YouTube, and there are so many videos
and new movies coming out they get old very quick.Because there is new ways of banking online it is easier to hack onto
peoples account and get there information and steal there money.Also on social networking sites have copywrite
because on anyone's site you can copy there pictures off
there account and save them to your computer.
How can a persons privacy be affected online?
You could be affected through identity theft because anyone
could say there are someone they are not and people could
get fooled by it.Also if you do online banking you identity
could be taken them pretending to be you spending on your
card and its not even you spending it.
How can people use the internet to help stop crime? 
You can use the internet to stop crime because there is always a way to backtrack what people have done on there computers and on social networking sites there are flash buttons so if you do need help they will tell you what they can give you and what you can do about it.
You can plan theft or trouble through socials networking sites and also having blackberry massager you can also cause trouble through that because you can add whoever you like on there, and it’s a blackberry and a lot of people
will have it.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Unequal Access

More than half of the teachers in the world believe that children in the world who don’t have access to the internet are disadvantaged in their education. Most of the homework that children get nower days has to be done over the internet whether it is research or a program on the internet  i.e. my maths used to do their homework over the internet. This has shown how much technology has changed over the years. Since ICT has been around it has changed situations such as being able to do more over the internet so that it is making more and more people get access to the internet every year. 
Freedom & Restrictions
People today think that not having the advantage of being on a computer affects there social life, because without a computer/laptop they are unable to access all the social networking sites such as...Facebook, Twitter & Msn.
Also without having a mobile phone or a smart phone you cannot be in touch with friends or use the internet on the go.

social impacts of ICT on our social lives!!!

Now that almost everyone has computers there main purpose is to socialise through facebook and msn making them lazy. The reason we use ICT to socialise is because it saves time, and there no cost to it, it can be a distraction. People mainly use it to get in touch with people that live far away. Socialising through the internet looses there skill in communication and confidence. 
Portable devices and mobile phones are used for the  playback of music and video files. ICT is everywhere in the modern UK home. It has affected the way we go about our daily lives. For example, Entertainment.Here are the good points:Many ways of listening to our music on the move. And the bad points: The music industry is so concerned about illegal copying that Digital Rights Management methods have become common. These sometimes cause a problem when trying to listen to perfectly legal music.
How do we use ICT for entertainment?
We use ICT entertainment for playing computer games, listening to music, social networking, photography, ect..
People use computers to watch things, like films, programmes they need to catch up on or missed.
The internet can be used for buying tickets for concerts, or to visit the cinema.