Thursday 26 January 2012

The Law of ICT

ICT has made is easier for people to steal others work and
call it their own e.g.: video clips and music of the internet
because of the site YouTube, and there are so many videos
and new movies coming out they get old very quick.Because there is new ways of banking online it is easier to hack onto
peoples account and get there information and steal there money.Also on social networking sites have copywrite
because on anyone's site you can copy there pictures off
there account and save them to your computer.
How can a persons privacy be affected online?
You could be affected through identity theft because anyone
could say there are someone they are not and people could
get fooled by it.Also if you do online banking you identity
could be taken them pretending to be you spending on your
card and its not even you spending it.
How can people use the internet to help stop crime? 
You can use the internet to stop crime because there is always a way to backtrack what people have done on there computers and on social networking sites there are flash buttons so if you do need help they will tell you what they can give you and what you can do about it.
You can plan theft or trouble through socials networking sites and also having blackberry massager you can also cause trouble through that because you can add whoever you like on there, and it’s a blackberry and a lot of people
will have it.

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