Tuesday 17 January 2012

Unequal Access

More than half of the teachers in the world believe that children in the world who don’t have access to the internet are disadvantaged in their education. Most of the homework that children get nower days has to be done over the internet whether it is research or a program on the internet  i.e. my maths used to do their homework over the internet. This has shown how much technology has changed over the years. Since ICT has been around it has changed situations such as being able to do more over the internet so that it is making more and more people get access to the internet every year. 
Freedom & Restrictions
People today think that not having the advantage of being on a computer affects there social life, because without a computer/laptop they are unable to access all the social networking sites such as...Facebook, Twitter & Msn.
Also without having a mobile phone or a smart phone you cannot be in touch with friends or use the internet on the go.

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